School Life
One of the core values at Providence is community life shared among students, families, faculty, and staff. As a school comprised of students from Pre-K to high school, Providence seeks to foster an atmosphere in which each member of the school is seen as an integral part, where students of all ages have an opportunity to learn together and fellowship together in a Christ-centered community.
It’s not uncommon in the school hallways to see the middle schoolers giving morning hugs to the first graders, or the high schoolers exchanging high fives with the 2nd graders. High school students often tutor younger students after school and read to the grammar students during the day.
Parents are also welcomed to participate in school functions from our formal Protocol event to our Family Ball to our weekly all-school Psalm sing. Our goal is a thriving culture where the older mentor the younger, where students treat their teachers and parents with respect and honor, and where joyful submission to the Lord Jesus Christ permeates all relationships.
Parent involvement
We desire to help parents teach their children that all they do should be done “heartily, as unto the Lord.” The culture at Providence is a direct manifestation of the quality of faculty and staff, and the types of families who enroll their children. With this in mind, we seek to communicate well with parents and to honor the primary responsibility they have to raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Parents are always encouraged to volunteer at the school and be as much a part of our school life as possible.
There are numerous ways to be involved, and to play a critical role in the education process. From discussing with their children what they are learning in class to helping out in the classroom to serving on the Parent/Teacher Fellowship (PTF), parents play an essential and vital part of the school community. PTF is a service organization that furthers the mission of the school, promotes fellowship among parents and teachers, promotes unity among the parents and faculty and staff, and provides Providence with assistance at social and other functions as needed. Whether you are serving as one of the officers (for example, President, Treasurer, Secretary, or one of the Vice President roles), or serving on one of the many committees, the PTF is a great way for parents to get involved, meet other parents, and help contribute to many of the great school and student events.
Along with PTF, many other areas are available for parent volunteers! Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher or the office for additional information about any of these volunteering opportunities: Class visits and assistance, prayer team, fundraisers, baking team, field trip chaperones, special events – (Grandparents’ Day, Open House, and so on), room moms/house parents. Check out other ways to get involved.