Why Consider Providence?

Written by Lisa Sandeno on January 29th, 2015

Why consider doing this classical Christian school thing?  Sometimes it’s painful, the driving, the parent participation hours, the tuition bills, and did we mention the driving?  After all, the big yellow school bus is just down the street and it’s free.  It would be so much easier.  No need to justify to friends and family.


In the wee hours of the morning, when your kids have been less than angelic and all the other doubts come crowding in, it helps to remember that public schools are by definition and design, godless. As the physician reminds us in Luke 6:40: “A pupil is not above his teacher; but everyone, after he has been fully trained, will be like his teacher.”  After eight hours a day in a secular school, is it any wonder that 70% of evangelical kids look like their teachers and eventually reject their faith? God asks more of us as parents.  He asks more than a protective bubble, more than a Bible class and a prayer added to a set of secular textbooks and lesson plans. Harvard-trained Chuck Colson described the authentic Christian education well: “It consists of teaching everything, from science and mathematics to literature and the arts, within the framework of an integrated biblical worldview. It means teaching students to relate every academic discipline to God’s truth and his self revelation in Scripture, while detecting and critiquing non-biblical world view assumptions.”

If you want to see how beautifully God’s plan can work, and how well it works at Providence, come to our next graduation ceremony. The amazing students you will see will not look like the products of a secular education. They will look like image bearers of Christ. The difference will astound you. The hope it will engender in you will get you through the times of doubt, and will encourage you to pursue a classical Christian school for your child.