School Blog

Resist the Great Untruths

Last month we reviewed Jonathan Haidt’s powerful book, The Anxious Generation. Haidt encourages parents to avoid giving children smartphones until high school and prohibit social media until age sixteen. He also advocates for phone-free schools and increased unsupervised play to build… Read More

Reversing the Anxiety Epidemic

The cultural impact of technology has been chronicled for decades, evidenced by a yearly flow of books on the topic. Few, however, are as important as Jonathan Haidt’s The Anxious Generation. The book is a must read for educators and parents, and,… Read More

Seeking Parental Wisdom

Wading through the assortment of Christian parenting books can be overwhelming. Some are great, some dubious, others downright subversive. Making it even harder is that many books don’t meet standards of Scriptural fidelity. Below are helpful books, recommended for their… Read More

Why Handwriting is More Important Than Ever

In an age of keyboards, touchscreens, and voice-to-text, handwriting is more important than ever. Handwriting gives an avenue for thought not provided by any other form of communication with the writer himself often being the first recipient of that communication…. Read More

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