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Why STEM Needs the Humanities
It seems the system of progressive modern education proposes a new educational fad about every twenty years. At one point it was whole language, where the emphasis on word meanings replaced skill-based instruction and purged phonics instruction. Or the new… Read More
Should We Teach Kids Cursive?
Cursive is no longer a requirement in U.S. schools, so should we continue to teach cursive penmanship at Providence? Wouldn’t teaching kids to type be more practical? As a response to the state of Illinois’ decision to pass a law… Read More
Classical Me, Classical Thee – A Book Review
What is the difference between classical education and a typical modern-day education offered at a local public school? If answering that question poses a challenge, you will find a new book by Rebekah Merkle most helpful. Classical Me, Classical Thee:… Read More
The Grandeur and Gelato of the Providence Grand Tour
This summer I had the privilege of traveling to Europe with thirteen Providence juniors and seniors and nine adults. Led once again by the intrepid and energetic Mrs. Kniss, the Grand Tour has been a tradition at Providence and reminded… Read More
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