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The Impact of Curriculum Choices

In a recent conversation with a 4th grade teacher, I was surprised to learn that the students in her class are learning computer coding. “How’s that working?” I asked. She indicated that while the students really enjoy learning coding, she… Read More

All Education is Moral Education

At curriculum night I shared some key differences between classical, Christian education and modern, progressive education. This year I’ll flesh out those differences to further our understanding of the benefits of a Providence education. Can education be morally neutral? Is… Read More

Upward and Onward: The Fruits of Discipleship

This school year, Mr. Andrew Weiseth has been teaching biblical Apologetics to a combined class of our juniors and seniors. As they met together for their final class period last week, the seniors were given a platform to share a… Read More

Grades – A Valuable Means, But Not the End

As parents, we often grapple with the meaning of grades. We try our best to help our children navigate through the often-murky waters of interpreting their grades, and inevitably we place either too little, or too much emphasis on grades…. Read More

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