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Grades – A Valuable Means, But Not the End

As parents, we often grapple with the meaning of grades. We try our best to help our children navigate through the often-murky waters of interpreting their grades, and inevitably we place either too little, or too much emphasis on grades…. Read More

Parenting During the Middle School Dark Ages

Many years ago in my new role as middle school head, a colleague told me that middle schoolers lose their brains and become different people for a few years before returning to earth as normal human beings again. At the… Read More

Why STEM Needs the Humanities

It seems the system of progressive modern education proposes a new educational fad about every twenty years. At one point it was whole language, where the emphasis on word meanings replaced skill-based instruction and purged phonics instruction. Or the new… Read More

Providence Protocol: Civility and Chivalry

Our oldest son is a junior at Grove City College near Pittsburgh. Last year he was invited to a formal political event, where he met various people in the local community, and he commented on what he, in hindsight, considers… Read More

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