Providence Distinctives

The Providence Distinctives encapsulate areas the school views as important and integral to our mission and vision. The distinctives are integrated in our curriculum and program and embodied in the lives of students, faculty, and parents. It is our calling to honor these commitments, however imperfectly, as we seek to bring glory and honor to our Lord in our respective callings.

Updated January 30, 2024


Unashamed of Biblical Truth

All Scripture is God-breathed and useful in teaching, instructing, and training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16-18). Regardless of the culture’s view of Scripture, Providence holds an unapologetic commitment to God’s Word and the doctrines of grace. We desire that all employees, students, and parents boldly embrace, honor, and apply Scripture with courage and conviction (Romans 1:16).


Integration of the Bible in All Subjects

God’s Word is central to everything at Providence: in literature, grammar, and writing because God is the author of language; in math and science for a greater understanding of the eternal truths God reveals in creation; in the visual and performing arts because God is the fountain of goodness and beauty; in Bible class because God’s Word is life (Hebrews 4:12). God’s Word is integrated in every class and program. All things cohere in Christ (Colossians 1:16-17), and we acknowledge that without Him we can do nothing (John 15:5). 


Centered on Classical Education

The classical model of educating the whole person is woven throughout our programs, curriculum, and pedagogy. The liberal arts, trivium (grammar, logic, and rhetoric), and the study of Western Civilization are integral to the form and content in the classroom. The ultimate purpose is to cultivate wise, virtuous students who are intellectually well-rounded, emotionally mature, and spiritually discerning. 


Robust Parent Partnership

Providence honors the authority of parents by operating “in loco parentis” (in place of the parent) while students are in school. This partnership involves shared goals and parental commitment to Christian community, active participation in the school, and regular attendance at a local church. Alignment between school and home cultivates consistent God-honoring affections, norms, and habits.


Discipleship Mission

As a discipleship school, we not only teach classical academics but assist Christian parents in shaping student habits to love what is true, good, and beautiful. We focus on developing students of godly character who are growing in faith and maturity, resulting in renewed minds (Romans 12:1-2) and servant hearts (Philippians 2:5-8). 


Standards of Excellence

Classical education is grounded in a pursuit of excellence. Students, staff, and faculty are all called to high standards because we understand that we are to do everything as unto the Lord (Colossians 3:23). We exhort students to joyfully embrace the hard work necessary to excel in academics, athletics, and character with humility, calling one another to love high standards and strive to meet them.


Positive Peer Influences

Next to parents, peers are the greatest influence in a child’s life. We encourage students, first and foremost, to view themselves as brothers and sisters in Christ in community together. We foster age-appropriate student relationships and facilitate opportunities for older students to serve younger students. By disciplining both thoughts and emotions while emphasizing virtues of kindness, respect, and courage, students grow in wisdom and maturity (Galatians 5:22-25).


Masculine and Feminine Distinctions

Providence believes that God’s creation of each person as male and female is good (Genesis 1:27) and that we should embrace our roles according to His design.  Our expectations and encouragements differ appropriately as we consider gender-specific standards for attire, etiquette, athletics, and character development. Providence discourages romantic relationships among students, training young men and women to honor one another in Christ as they patiently prepare to pursue godly and fruitful marriages.


Enriching Music and Arts

God is the source of all truth, goodness, and beauty. As image bearers, God has given us the privilege of being co-creators with Him as we seek a Christ-honoring aesthetic through artistic expression (Philippians 4:8). The development of skills in music, art, drama, and other fine arts imitate the work of our Creator. More specifically, the strengthening of skills in music literacy and singing highlight our role as worshipers, culminating in heartfelt joy and gratitude.


“To a Thousand Generations”

God extends His mercy to a thousand generations to those who love Him (Deuteronomy 7:9). By God’s grace, education in community builds faithfulness from generation to generation. In turn, our desire and expectation is that Providence students instruct their children and children’s children to set their hope in God (Psalm 78:1-8), engaging in faithful civil and cultural engagement to extend Christ’s kingdom.