All the world, we are told by Shakespeare, is a stage. And while Jaques may be more than a little cynical in his view of humanity and its drama of life, we at Providence affirm the significance of recognizing that our lives are but scenes in God’s pageant of history. Is it any wonder that our place in the great drama of redemption finds one important expression on the stage? At Providence we seek to portray on stage truths which bring to life the reality of the world we live in–its beauty, pain, laughter, fear, heroism, foolishness, tragedy, and joy.
We seek to produce shows that provide opportunities for both educating the students and edifying the audience. Whether it’s Shakespeare, adaptations of Dickens and Hugo, comedy, drama, or musical, the aim is learning, as actors and audience, just what it means to be human. Students learn self-discipline, teamwork, physical movement, stage presence, voice control, even a little dance! Those on the other side of the footlights are hopefully given the chance to laugh or cry or simply be moved in a way that only theater is able to do.
Learn how high school students may letter in drama.
2025 High School Production:
Tickets for the High School production are now available!
Set in the rough-and-tumble backwoods of Oregon in the 1850s, where every man still took for himself, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers is a delightful story about creating civilization in the wilderness. When Milly married handsome backwoodsman, Adam, she had no idea she would be responsible for taking care of his six younger brothers as well. Milly quickly whips her rowdy brothers-in-law into shape and shows them how they can court and win beautiful mates of their own. When Adam convinces his brothers to kidnap the girls they like the same way the Sabine women were kidnapped by the Romans, however, Milly’s plans go dreadfully awry. Bursting with boisterous energy, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers features daredevil dancing, rambunctious fun, and heartfelt romance with a score including the soaring “Wonderful, Wonderful Day,” the hilarious “Bless Her Beautiful Hide,” and the totally absurd “Sobbin’ Women.”
April 10th and 11th at 7PM
April 12th at 2PM and 7PM
Wagner Performing Arts Center, Monroe, WA