Kathy Day

Graphics and Promotions Director

Kathy Day

Graphics and Promotions Director

After working several years as a pediatric physical therapist, Kathy transitioned to being a full-time stay at home mom. When not volunteering in her kids’ classrooms, she enjoyed developing her graphic design skills at home which, many projects later, led to her current position at Providence. Though no longer practicing as a PT, she feels very blessed to be able to draw from her prior skillset of creativity, adaptability, and an interdisciplinary approach to problem-solving. It is a joy for her to be able to serve various departments and gain insight into all the ways they contribute so much to our wonderful school community!

Outside of Providence, Kathy enjoys spending time with her husband, Erik, and their four kids, Sophie, Clara, Peter, and Noelle.

The Day family are members of Emmanuel Church.

Started at Providence: 2022

B.S. In Neurobiology, (University of Washington)
Doctor of Physical Therapy (University of Washington)